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ureas ureas definition


  Grep  of  noun  urea 
  aletris  aurea 
  castilleja  sulphurea 
  claviceps  purpurea 
  digitalis  purpurea 
  fagus  purpurea 
  fagus  sylvatica  purpurea 
  ficus  aurea 
  genus  centaurea 
  genus  saussurea 
  ipomoea  purpurea 
  packera  aurea 
  pellaea  atropurpurea 
  phenolic  urea 
  pholiota  aurea 
  phyllostachys  aurea 
  prenanthes  purpurea 
  salix  purpurea 
  salvia  azurea 
  sarracenia  purpurea 
  scabiosa  atropurpurea 
  spondias  purpurea 
  tephrosia  purpurea 
  urea-formaldehyde  resin 
  Overview  of  noun  urea 
  The  noun  urea  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  urea,  carbamide  --  (the  chief  solid  component  of  mammalian  urine;  synthesized  from  ammonia  and  carbon  dioxide  and  used  as  fertilizer  and  in  animal  feed  and  in  plastics) 
  Overview  of  noun  urea 
  The  noun  urea  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  urea,  carbamide  --  (the  chief  solid  component  of  mammalian  urine;  synthesized  from  ammonia  and  carbon  dioxide  and  used  as  fertilizer  and  in  animal  feed  and  in  plastics) 

ureas definition