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striaemore about striae


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Stria  \Stri"a\,  n.;  pl  {Stri[ae]}.  [L.,  a  furrow,  channel, 
  1.  A  minute  groove,  or  channel;  a  threadlike  line  as  of 
  color;  a  narrow  structural  band  or  line  a  striation;  as 
  the  stri[ae],  or  groovings,  produced  on  a  rock  by  a 
  glacier  passing  over  it  the  stri[ae]  on  the  surface  of  a 
  shell;  a  stria  of  nervous  matter  in  the  brain. 
  2.  (Arch.)  A  fillet  between  the  flutes  of  columns,  pilasters, 
  or  the  like  --Oxf.  Gloss. 

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