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possibly possibly definition


  Overview  of  adv  possibly 
  The  adv  possibly  has  4  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (26)  possibly,  perchance,  perhaps,  maybe,  peradventure  --  (by  chance;  "perhaps  she  will  call  tomorrow";  "we  may  possibly  run  into  them  at  the  concert";  "it  may  peradventure  be  thought  that  there  never  was  such  a  time") 
  2.  (1)  possibly,  potentially  --  (with  a  possibility  of  becoming  actual;  "introducing  possibly  dangerous  innovations";  "he  is  potentially  dangerous";  "potentially  useful") 
  3.  possibly  --  (in  a  manner  or  to  a  degree  possible  of  conceiving;  "is  it  possibly  true?") 
  4.  possibly  --  (to  a  degree  possible  of  achievement  or  by  possible  means  "they  can't  possibly  get  here  in  time  for  the  funeral?") 
  Overview  of  adv  possibly 
  The  adv  possibly  has  4  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (26)  possibly,  perchance,  perhaps,  maybe,  peradventure  --  (by  chance;  "perhaps  she  will  call  tomorrow";  "we  may  possibly  run  into  them  at  the  concert";  "it  may  peradventure  be  thought  that  there  never  was  such  a  time") 
  2.  (1)  possibly,  potentially  --  (with  a  possibility  of  becoming  actual;  "introducing  possibly  dangerous  innovations";  "he  is  potentially  dangerous";  "potentially  useful") 
  3.  possibly  --  (in  a  manner  or  to  a  degree  possible  of  conceiving;  "is  it  possibly  true?") 
  4.  possibly  --  (to  a  degree  possible  of  achievement  or  by  possible  means  "they  can't  possibly  get  here  in  time  for  the  funeral?") 

possibly definition