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pointless pointless definition


  Grep  of  noun  pointless 
  Overview  of  adj  pointless 
  The  adj  pointless  has  3  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  pointless,  unpointed  --  (not  having  a  point  especially  a  sharp  point;  "my  pencils  are  all  pointless") 
  2.  otiose,  pointless,  superfluous,  wasted  --  (serving  no  useful  purpose;  having  no  excuse  for  being  "otiose  lines  in  a  play";  "advice  is  wasted  words") 
  3.  pointless,  purposeless,  senseless  --  (lacking  import;  "a  pointless  remark";  "a  life  essentially  purposeless";  "senseless  violence") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  pointless 
  3  senses  of  pointless 
  Sense  1 
  pointless  (vs.  pointed),  unpointed 
  pointed  (vs.  pointless) 
  =>  acanthoid,  acanthous,  spinous 
  =>  acuate,  acute,  sharp 
  =>  barreled,  barrelled 
  =>  fusiform,  spindle-shaped,  cigar-shaped 
  =>  nibbed 
  =>  peaked 
  =>  sharpened 
  =>  spiked 
  =>  spiked 
  =>  tapering,  tapered 
  =>  pyramidal 
  =>  spikelike 
  =>  acerate,  acerose,  acicular,  needle-shaped,  needlelike 
  =>  acuminate 
  =>  apiculate 
  =>  ensiform,  sword-shaped,  swordlike,  bladelike 
  =>  hastate,  spearhead-shaped 
  =>  lanceolate,  lancelike 
  =>  sagittate,  sagittiform,  arrow-shaped 
  Sense  2 
  otiose,  pointless,  superfluous,  wasted 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  worthless)  ->  valuable 
  Sense  3 
  pointless,  purposeless,  senseless 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  meaningless)  ->  meaningful 
  Similarity  of  adj  pointless 
  3  senses  of  pointless 
  Sense  1 
  pointless  (vs.  pointed),  unpointed 
  =>  blunt 
  Sense  2 
  otiose,  pointless,  superfluous,  wasted 
  =>  worthless  (vs.  valuable) 
  Sense  3 
  pointless,  purposeless,  senseless 
  =>  meaningless  (vs.  meaningful) 
  Attributes  of  adj  pointless 
  Familiarity  of  adj  pointless 
  pointless  used  as  an  adjective  is  uncommon  (polysemy  count  =  3) 
  Grep  of  adj  pointless 
  Overview  of  adj  pointless 
  The  adj  pointless  has  3  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  pointless,  unpointed  --  (not  having  a  point  especially  a  sharp  point;  "my  pencils  are  all  pointless") 
  2.  otiose,  pointless,  superfluous,  wasted  --  (serving  no  useful  purpose;  having  no  excuse  for  being  "otiose  lines  in  a  play";  "advice  is  wasted  words") 
  3.  pointless,  purposeless,  senseless  --  (lacking  import;  "a  pointless  remark";  "a  life  essentially  purposeless";  "senseless  violence") 

pointless definition