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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Jargon  File  (4.2.3,  23  NOV  2000)  [jargon]: 
  miswart  /mis-wort/  n.  [from  {wart}  by  analogy  with  {misbug}]  A 
  {feature}  that  superficially  appears  to  be  a  {wart}  but  has  been 
  determined  to  be  the  {Right  Thing}.  For  example,  in  some  versions  of 
  the  {EMACS}  text  editor,  the  `transpose  characters'  command  exchanges 
  the  character  under  the  cursor  with  the  one  before  it  on  the  screen, 
  _except_  when  the  cursor  is  at  the  end  of  a  line  in  which  case  the 
  two  characters  before  the  cursor  are  exchanged.  While  this  behavior  is 
  perhaps  surprising,  and  certainly  inconsistent,  it  has  been  found  through 
  extensive  experimentation  to  be  what  most  users  want  This  feature  is 
  a  miswart. 
  From  The  Free  On-line  Dictionary  of  Computing  (13  Mar  01)  [foldoc]: 
  /mis-wort/  [By  analogy  with  {misbug}]  A  {feature}  that 
  superficially  appears  to  be  a  {wart}  but  has  been  determined 
  to  be  the  {Right  Thing}.  For  example,  in  some  versions  of  the 
  {Emacs}  text  editor,  the  "transpose  characters"  command 
  exchanges  the  character  under  the  cursor  with  the  one  before 
  it  on  the  screen,  *except*  when  the  cursor  is  at  the  end  of  a 
  line  in  which  case  the  two  characters  before  the  cursor  are 
  exchanged.  While  this  behaviour  is  perhaps  surprising,  and 
  certainly  inconsistent,  it  has  been  found  through  extensive 
  experimentation  to  be  what  most  users  want  This  feature  is  a 
  [{Jargon  File}]