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haves definition


  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  have 
  12  of  21  senses  of  have 
  Sense  1 
  have  have  got  hold 
  =>  sustain,  keep  maintain 
  =>  keep  hold  on 
  =>  keep 
  =>  keep  maintain 
  =>  keep 
  =>  monopolize,  monopolise 
  =>  wield,  exert,  maintain 
  =>  stock,  carry,  stockpile 
  =>  bear,  hold 
  =>  carry 
  Sense  2 
  have  feature 
  =>  wear 
  =>  wear,  bear 
  =>  carry 
  =>  bear 
  =>  give  off 
  =>  unite,  combine 
  =>  star 
  =>  sport,  feature,  boast 
  =>  possess 
  =>  abound,  burst,  bristle 
  =>  brim 
  =>  carry,  pack,  take 
  =>  read,  say 
  =>  wear 
  =>  carry 
  Sense  3 
  experience,  receive,  have  get  undergo 
  =>  suffer,  sustain,  have  get 
  =>  take 
  Sense  4 
  own  have  possess 
  =>  prepossess 
  Sense  7 
  consume,  ingest,  take  in  take  have 
  =>  hit 
  =>  cannibalize,  cannibalise 
  =>  use 
  =>  eat 
  =>  eat 
  =>  drink,  imbibe 
  =>  drink,  booze,  fuddle 
  =>  partake,  touch 
  =>  feed,  eat 
  =>  satiate,  sate,  replete,  fill 
  =>  sample,  try  try  out  taste 
  =>  take  in  sop  up  suck  in  take  up 
  =>  smoke 
  =>  drug,  do  drugs 
  =>  swallow,  get  down 
  =>  sup 
  Sense  10 
  =>  leave 
  Sense  12 
  have  experience 
  =>  meet  encounter,  receive 
  Sense  14 
  induce,  stimulate,  cause  have  get  make 
  =>  decide 
  =>  persuade 
  =>  bring 
  =>  encourage 
  =>  let 
  =>  lead 
  =>  prompt,  inspire,  instigate 
  =>  compel,  oblige,  obligate 
  Sense  15 
  accept  take  have 
  =>  accept  admit  take  take  on 
  =>  welcome 
  =>  honor,  honour 
  =>  adopt,  borrow,  take  over  take  up 
  Sense  16 
  receive,  have 
  =>  take  in  take  up 
  =>  accept 
  =>  fence 
  =>  graduate 
  =>  inherit 
  Sense  17 
  suffer,  sustain,  have  get 
  =>  crack  up  crack,  crock  up  break  up  collapse 
  Sense  19 
  give  birth,  deliver,  bear,  birth,  have 
  =>  twin 
  =>  drop 
  =>  foal 
  =>  kitten 
  =>  lamb 
  =>  litter 
  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  have 
  12  of  21  senses  of  have 
  Sense  1 
  have  have  got  hold 
  =>  sustain,  keep  maintain 
  =>  patronage 
  =>  reseed 
  =>  carry 
  =>  keep  hold  on 
  =>  carry  over  hold  over 
  =>  deny,  refuse 
  =>  withhold,  keep  back 
  =>  freeze,  block,  immobilize,  immobilise 
  =>  keep  to  oneself 
  =>  deny 
  =>  reserve 
  =>  immobilize,  immobilise 
  =>  deprive 
  =>  wean 
  =>  starve,  famish 
  =>  tongue-tie 
  =>  dock 
  =>  bilk 
  =>  disinherit,  disown 
  =>  impoverish 
  =>  reduce 
  =>  beggar,  pauperize 
  =>  bankrupt,  ruin,  break 
  =>  disenfranchise,  disfranchise 
  =>  withhold,  deduct,  recoup 
  =>  dock 
  =>  save,  preserve,  conserve 
  =>  record,  enter  put  down 
  =>  tally,  chalk  up 
  =>  clock  in  punch  in  clock  on 
  =>  record,  tape 
  =>  write 
  =>  overwrite 
  =>  tape  record 
  =>  prerecord 
  =>  cut,  burn 
  =>  cut 
  =>  accession 
  =>  post 
  =>  ring  up 
  =>  inscribe 
  =>  chronicle 
  =>  file,  file  away 
  =>  document 
  =>  log 
  =>  log  up  clock  up 
  =>  film,  shoot,  take 
  =>  reshoot,  retake 
  =>  videotape,  tape 
  =>  photograph,  snap,  shoot 
  =>  retake 
  =>  x-ray 
  =>  score,  mark 
  =>  cancel,  invalidate 
  =>  notch 
  =>  keep  maintain 
  =>  film 
  =>  cinematize 
  =>  microfilm 
  =>  register 
  =>  file,  register 
  =>  patent 
  =>  enroll,  inscribe,  enter  enrol,  recruit 
  =>  enlist,  draft,  muster  in 
  =>  recruit,  levy,  raise 
  =>  unionize 
  =>  register 
  =>  matriculate 
  =>  list 
  =>  inventory 
  =>  empanel,  impanel 
  =>  index 
  =>  cross-index 
  =>  blacklist 
  =>  post 
  =>  book 
  =>  book 
  =>  ticket,  fine 
  =>  amerce 
  =>  embalm 
  =>  mummify 
  =>  conserve,  husband,  economize,  economise 
  =>  retrench 
  =>  store,  hive  away  lay  in  put  in  salt  away  stack  away  stash  away 
  =>  bin 
  =>  computerize,  computerise 
  =>  victual 
  =>  collect,  accumulate,  pile  up  amass,  compile,  hoard 
  =>  run  up 
  =>  corral 
  =>  fund 
  =>  fund 
  =>  hive 
  =>  store 
  =>  garner 
  =>  keep 
  =>  mothball 
  =>  reposit 
  =>  wharf 
  =>  tank 
  =>  loft 
  =>  warehouse 
  =>  garage 
  =>  bottle 
  =>  ensile 
  =>  retain,  hold  keep  back  hold  back 
  =>  hold  down 
  =>  reserve,  retain,  hold 
  =>  keep  open  hold  open  keep  save 
  =>  harbor,  harbour 
  =>  keep 
  =>  preserve,  maintain,  keep  up 
  =>  hold  the  line 
  =>  keep  maintain 
  =>  keep 
  =>  monopolize,  monopolise 
  =>  wield,  exert,  maintain 
  =>  stock,  carry,  stockpile 
  =>  bear,  hold 
  =>  carry 
  Sense  2 
  have  feature 
  =>  wear 
  =>  wear,  bear 
  =>  carry 
  =>  bear 
  =>  carry 
  =>  give  off 
  =>  unite,  combine 
  =>  star 
  =>  co-star 
  =>  sport,  feature,  boast 
  =>  possess 
  =>  exhibit 
  =>  phosphoresce 
  =>  abound,  burst,  bristle 
  =>  brim 
  =>  carry,  pack,  take 
  =>  read,  say 
  =>  wear 
  =>  carry 
  Sense  3 
  experience,  receive,  have  get  undergo 
  =>  suffer,  sustain,  have  get 
  =>  crack  up  crack,  crock  up  break  up  collapse 
  =>  take 
  Sense  4 
  own  have  possess 
  =>  prepossess 
  Sense  7 
  consume,  ingest,  take  in  take  have 
  =>  hit 
  =>  cannibalize,  cannibalise 
  =>  use 
  =>  drink,  tope 
  =>  board 
  =>  eat 
  =>  victual 
  =>  eat  in  dine  in 
  =>  eat  out  dine  out 
  =>  dine 
  =>  picnic 
  =>  eat 
  =>  wash  down 
  =>  gluttonize,  fress 
  =>  wolf,  wolf  down 
  =>  slurp 
  =>  fare 
  =>  pitch  in  dig  in 
  =>  pick  at  peck  at  peck 
  =>  peck,  pick  up 
  =>  gobble,  bolt 
  =>  gobble  up  shovel  in  bolt  down 
  =>  nibble,  munch 
  =>  nibble,  pick  piece 
  =>  ruminate 
  =>  dunk,  dip 
  =>  devour,  gulp,  guttle,  raven,  pig 
  =>  eat  up  finish,  polish  off 
  =>  tuck  in  tuck  away  put  away 
  =>  devour,  down  consume,  go  through 
  =>  smack 
  =>  break  bread 
  =>  nosh,  snack 
  =>  browse,  graze 
  =>  mess 
  =>  lunch 
  =>  brunch 
  =>  breakfast 
  =>  feast,  banquet,  junket 
  =>  wine  and  dine 
  =>  gorge,  ingurgitate,  overindulge,  glut,  englut,  stuff,  engorge,  overgorge,  overeat,  gormandize,  gormandise,  gourmandize,  binge,  pig  out  satiate,  scarf  out 
  =>  fill  up  fill,  stuff,  jam,  cram 
  =>  eat 
  =>  wash  down 
  =>  gluttonize,  fress 
  =>  wolf,  wolf  down 
  =>  slurp 
  =>  fare 
  =>  pitch  in  dig  in 
  =>  pick  at  peck  at  peck 
  =>  peck,  pick  up 
  =>  gobble,  bolt 
  =>  gobble  up  shovel  in  bolt  down 
  =>  nibble,  munch 
  =>  nibble,  pick  piece 
  =>  ruminate 
  =>  dunk,  dip 
  =>  devour,  gulp,  guttle,  raven,  pig 
  =>  eat  up  finish,  polish  off 
  =>  tuck  in  tuck  away  put  away 
  =>  devour,  down  consume,  go  through 
  =>  smack 
  =>  drink,  imbibe 
  =>  swill,  swill  down 
  =>  suck 
  =>  guggle,  gurgle 
  =>  sip 
  =>  guzzle 
  =>  lap,  lap  up 
  =>  drain  the  cup,  drink  up 
  =>  gulp,  quaff,  swig 
  =>  toss  off  bolt  down  belt  down  pour  down  down  drink  down  kill 
  =>  drink,  booze,  fuddle 
  =>  port 
  =>  claret 
  =>  pub-crawl,  bar  hop 
  =>  tipple,  bib 
  =>  souse,  soak,  inebriate,  hit  it  up 
  =>  wine 
  =>  carry,  hold 
  =>  partake,  touch 
  =>  receive 
  =>  feed,  eat 
  =>  forage 
  =>  raven,  prey 
  =>  raven 
  =>  victual 
  =>  suckle 
  =>  crop,  browse,  graze,  range,  pasture 
  =>  satiate,  sate,  replete,  fill 
  =>  cloy,  pall 
  =>  sample,  try  try  out  taste 
  =>  take  in  sop  up  suck  in  take  up 
  =>  smoke 
  =>  chain-smoke 
  =>  puff,  whiff 
  =>  inhale 
  =>  drug,  do  drugs 
  =>  inject 
  =>  mainline 
  =>  pop,  skin  pop 
  =>  take  a  hit,  snort 
  =>  free-base,  base 
  =>  dope 
  =>  swallow,  get  down 
  =>  bolt 
  =>  sup 
  Sense  10 
  =>  leave 
  Sense  12 
  have  experience 
  =>  meet  encounter,  receive 
  Sense  14 
  induce,  stimulate,  cause  have  get  make 
  =>  decide 
  =>  persuade 
  =>  bring  round,  bring  around 
  =>  badger 
  =>  sell 
  =>  chat  up 
  =>  talk  into 
  =>  rope  in 
  =>  wheedle,  cajole,  palaver,  blarney,  coax,  sweet-talk,  inveigle 
  =>  soft-soap 
  =>  browbeat,  bully,  swagger 
  =>  convert,  win  over  convince 
  =>  proselytize 
  =>  disarm 
  =>  brainwash 
  =>  charm,  influence,  tempt 
  =>  magnetize,  mesmerize,  mesmerise,  bewitch,  spellbind 
  =>  prevail 
  =>  drag 
  =>  tempt 
  =>  seduce,  score,  make 
  =>  bring 
  =>  encourage 
  =>  let 
  =>  lead 
  =>  give 
  =>  prompt,  inspire,  instigate 
  =>  compel,  oblige,  obligate 
  =>  force,  thrust 
  =>  stick,  sting 
  =>  walk 
  =>  parade,  exhibit,  march 
  =>  march 
  =>  coerce,  hale,  pressure,  force 
  =>  turn  up  the  heat,  turn  up  the  pressure 
  =>  drive 
  =>  bludgeon 
  =>  steamroller,  steamroll 
  =>  squeeze  for 
  =>  dragoon,  railroad 
  =>  terrorize,  terrorise 
  =>  bring  oneself 
  =>  clamor 
  =>  condemn 
  =>  shame 
  =>  enforce,  implement,  apply 
  =>  clamp  down  get  tough 
  =>  run 
  =>  execute 
  =>  give 
  Sense  15 
  accept  take  have 
  =>  accept  admit  take  take  on 
  =>  welcome 
  =>  honor,  honour 
  =>  adopt,  borrow,  take  over  take  up 
  Sense  16 
  receive,  have 
  =>  take  in  take  up 
  =>  fuel 
  =>  refuel 
  =>  accept 
  =>  fence 
  =>  graduate 
  =>  inherit 
  Sense  17 
  suffer,  sustain,  have  get 
  =>  crack  up  crack,  crock  up  break  up  collapse 
  Sense  19 
  give  birth,  deliver,  bear,  birth,  have 
  =>  twin 
  =>  drop 
  =>  foal 
  =>  kitten 
  =>  lamb 
  =>  litter 
  =>  cub 
  =>  whelp,  pup 
  =>  farrow,  pig 
  =>  fawn 
  =>  calve,  have  young 
  Entailment  of  verb  have 
  3  of  21  senses  of  have 
  Sense  3 
  experience,  receive,  have  get  undergo 
  =>  perceive,  comprehend 
  Sense  16 
  receive,  have 
  =>  accept  take  have 
  Sense  19 
  give  birth,  deliver,  bear,  birth,  have 
  =>  conceive 
  Synonyms/Hypernyms  (Ordered  by  Frequency)  of  verb  have 
  21  senses  of  have 
  Sense  1 
  have  have  got  hold 
  Sense  2 
  have  feature 
  Sense  3 
  experience,  receive,  have  get  undergo 
  Sense  4 
  own  have  possess 
  Sense  5 
  must  have  have  got  need 
  Sense  6 
  get  let  have 
  =>  make  get 
  Sense  7 
  consume,  ingest,  take  in  take  have 
  Sense  8 
  =>  interact 
  Sense  9 
  hold  throw,  have  make  give 
  =>  direct 
  Sense  10 
  Sense  11 
  Sense  12 
  have  experience 
  =>  change 
  Sense  13 
  =>  suffer,  hurt 
  Sense  14 
  induce,  stimulate,  cause  have  get  make 
  Sense  15 
  accept  take  have 
  =>  get  acquire 
  Sense  16 
  receive,  have 
  =>  get  acquire 
  Sense  17 
  suffer,  sustain,  have  get 
  =>  experience,  receive,  have  get  undergo 
  Sense  18 
  have  get  make 
  =>  score,  hit,  tally,  rack  up 
  Sense  19 
  give  birth,  deliver,  bear,  birth,  have 
  =>  produce,  bring  forth 
  Sense  20 
  take  have 
  =>  love,  make  out  make  love,  sleep  with  get  laid,  have  sex,  know  do  it  be  intimate,  have  intercourse,  have  it  away  have  it  off  screw,  fuck,  jazz,  eff,  hump,  lie  with  bed,  have  a  go  at  it  bang,  get  it  on  bonk 
  Sense  21 
  must  have 
  Familiarity  of  verb  have 
  have  used  as  a  verb  is  very  familiar  (polysemy  count  =  21) 
  Synonyms  (Grouped  by  Similarity  of  Meaning)  of  verb  have 
  Sense  1 
  have  have  got  hold 
  Sense  2 
  have  feature 
  Sense  4 
  own  have  possess 
  Sense  13 
  =>  suffer,  hurt 
  Sense  17 
  suffer,  sustain,  have  get 
  =>  experience,  receive,  have  get  undergo 
  Sense  15 
  accept  take  have 
  =>  get  acquire 
  Sense  16 
  receive,  have 
  =>  get  acquire 
  Sense  3 
  experience,  receive,  have  get  undergo 
  Sense  5 
  must  have  have  got  need 
  Sense  6 
  get  let  have 
  =>  make  get 
  Sense  7 
  consume,  ingest,  take  in  take  have 
  Sense  8 
  =>  interact 
  Sense  9 
  hold  throw,  have  make  give 
  =>  direct 
  Sense  10 
  Sense  11 
  Sense  12 
  have  experience 
  =>  change 
  Sense  14 
  induce,  stimulate,  cause  have  get  make 
  Sense  18 
  have  get  make 
  =>  score,  hit,  tally,  rack  up 
  Sense  19 
  give  birth,  deliver,  bear,  birth,  have 
  =>  produce,  bring  forth 
  Sense  20 
  take  have 
  =>  love,  make  out  make  love,  sleep  with  get  laid,  have  sex,  know  do  it  be  intimate,  have  intercourse,  have  it  away  have  it  off  screw,  fuck,  jazz,  eff,  hump,  lie  with  bed,  have  a  go  at  it  bang,  get  it  on  bonk 
  Sense  21 
  must  have 
  Grep  of  noun  have 
  close  shave 
  haverhill  fever 
  haversian  canal 
  Overview  of  noun  have 
  The  noun  have  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  rich  person,  wealthy  person,  have  --  (a  person  who  possesses  great  material  wealth) 
  Overview  of  verb  have 
  The  verb  have  has  21  senses  (first  21  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1202)  have  have  got  hold  --  (have  or  possess,  either  in  a  concrete  or  an  abstract  sense:  "She  has  $1,000  in  the  bank";  "He  has  got  two  beautiful  daughters";  "She  holds  a  Master's  degree  from  Harvard") 
  2.  (377)  have  feature  --  (have  as  a  feature;  "This  restaurant  features  the  most  famous  chefs  in  France") 
  3.  (220)  experience,  receive,  have  get  undergo  --  (of  mental  or  physical  states  or  experiences:  "get  an  idea";  "experience  vertigo";  "get  nauseous";  "undergo  a  strange  sensation";  "The  chemical  undergoes  a  sudden  change";  "The  fluid  undergoes  shear";  "receive  injuries";  "have  a  feeling") 
  4.  (143)  own  have  possess  --  (have  ownership  or  possession  of  "He  owns  three  houses  in  Florida";  "How  many  cars  does  she  have?") 
  5.  (138)  must  have  have  got  need  --  (be  obliged,  required,  or  forced  to  "She  has  to  get  her  driver's  license") 
  6.  (64)  get  let  have  --  (cause  to  move  cause  to  be  in  a  certain  position  or  condition:  "He  got  his  squad  on  the  ball";  "This  let  me  in  for  a  big  surprise";  "He  got  a  girl  into  trouble") 
  7.  (42)  consume,  ingest,  take  in  take  have  --  (serve  oneself  to  or  consume  regularly;  "Have  another  bowl  of  chicken  soup!"  "I  don't  take  sugar  in  my  coffee") 
  8.  (31)  have  --  (have  a  personal  or  business  relationship  with  someone  "have  a  postdoc";  "have  an  assistant";  "have  a  lover") 
  9.  (30)  hold  throw,  have  make  give  --  (organize  or  be  responsible  for  "hold  a  reception,"  "have,  throw,  or  make  a  party",  "give  a  course",  etc.) 
  10.  (28)  have  --  (have  left  "I  have  two  years  left";  "I  don't  have  any  money  left"  "They  have  two  more  years  before  they  retire") 
  11.  (25)  have  --  (be  confronted  with:  "What  do  we  have  here?";  "Now  we  have  a  fine  mess") 
  12.  (25)  have  experience  --  (undergo;  "The  stocks  had  a  fast  run-up") 
  13.  (11)  have  --  (suffer  from  be  ill  with  "She  has  arthritis") 
  14.  (8)  induce,  stimulate,  cause  have  get  make  --  (cause  to  do  cause  to  act  in  a  specified  manner:  "The  ads  induced  me  to  buy  a  VCR";  "My  children  finally  got  me  to  buy  a  computer";  "My  wife  made  me  buy  a  new  sofa") 
  15.  (7)  accept  take  have  --  (receive  willingly  something  given  or  offered;  "The  only  girl  who  would  have  him  was  the  miller's  daughter";  "I  won't  have  this  dog  in  my  house!";  "Please  accept  my  present") 
  16.  (7)  receive,  have  --  (get  something  come  into  possession  of  "receive  payment";  "receive  a  gift";  "receive  letters  from  the  front") 
  17.  (5)  suffer,  sustain,  have  get  --  (undergo  (as  of  injuries  and  illnesses);  "She  suffered  a  fracture  in  the  accident";  "He  had  an  insulin  shock  after  eating  three  candy  bars";  "She  got  a  bruise  on  her  leg";  "He  got  his  arm  broken  in  the  scuffle") 
  18.  (3)  have  get  make  --  (achieve  a  point  or  goal,  as  in  a  sport;  "Nicklaus  had  a  70";  "The  Brazilian  team  got  4  goals";  "She  made  29  points  that  day") 
  19.  (3)  give  birth,  deliver,  bear,  birth,  have  --  (give  birth  (to  a  newborn);  "My  wife  had  twins  yesterday!") 
  20.  (2)  take  have  --  (have  sex  with  archaic  use  "He  had  taken  this  woman  when  she  was  most  vulnerable") 
  21.  (1)  must  have  --  (be  likely  or  probable;  "They  have  to  be  kidding") 
  Overview  of  noun  have 
  The  noun  have  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  rich  person,  wealthy  person,  have  --  (a  person  who  possesses  great  material  wealth) 
  Overview  of  verb  have 
  The  verb  have  has  21  senses  (first  21  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1202)  have  have  got  hold  --  (have  or  possess,  either  in  a  concrete  or  an  abstract  sense:  "She  has  $1,000  in  the  bank";  "He  has  got  two  beautiful  daughters";  "She  holds  a  Master's  degree  from  Harvard") 
  2.  (377)  have  feature  --  (have  as  a  feature;  "This  restaurant  features  the  most  famous  chefs  in  France") 
  3.  (220)  experience,  receive,  have  get  undergo  --  (of  mental  or  physical  states  or  experiences:  "get  an  idea";  "experience  vertigo";  "get  nauseous";  "undergo  a  strange  sensation";  "The  chemical  undergoes  a  sudden  change";  "The  fluid  undergoes  shear";  "receive  injuries";  "have  a  feeling") 
  4.  (143)  own  have  possess  --  (have  ownership  or  possession  of  "He  owns  three  houses  in  Florida";  "How  many  cars  does  she  have?") 
  5.  (138)  must  have  have  got  need  --  (be  obliged,  required,  or  forced  to  "She  has  to  get  her  driver's  license") 
  6.  (64)  get  let  have  --  (cause  to  move  cause  to  be  in  a  certain  position  or  condition:  "He  got  his  squad  on  the  ball";  "This  let  me  in  for  a  big  surprise";  "He  got  a  girl  into  trouble") 
  7.  (42)  consume,  ingest,  take  in  take  have  --  (serve  oneself  to  or  consume  regularly;  "Have  another  bowl  of  chicken  soup!"  "I  don't  take  sugar  in  my  coffee") 
  8.  (31)  have  --  (have  a  personal  or  business  relationship  with  someone  "have  a  postdoc";  "have  an  assistant";  "have  a  lover") 
  9.  (30)  hold  throw,  have  make  give  --  (organize  or  be  responsible  for  "hold  a  reception,"  "have,  throw,  or  make  a  party",  "give  a  course",  etc.) 
  10.  (28)  have  --  (have  left  "I  have  two  years  left";  "I  don't  have  any  money  left"  "They  have  two  more  years  before  they  retire") 
  11.  (25)  have  --  (be  confronted  with:  "What  do  we  have  here?";  "Now  we  have  a  fine  mess") 
  12.  (25)  have  experience  --  (undergo;  "The  stocks  had  a  fast  run-up") 
  13.  (11)  have  --  (suffer  from  be  ill  with  "She  has  arthritis") 
  14.  (8)  induce,  stimulate,  cause  have  get  make  --  (cause  to  do  cause  to  act  in  a  specified  manner:  "The  ads  induced  me  to  buy  a  VCR";  "My  children  finally  got  me  to  buy  a  computer";  "My  wife  made  me  buy  a  new  sofa") 
  15.  (7)  accept  take  have  --  (receive  willingly  something  given  or  offered;  "The  only  girl  who  would  have  him  was  the  miller's  daughter";  "I  won't  have  this  dog  in  my  house!";  "Please  accept  my  present") 
  16.  (7)  receive,  have  --  (get  something  come  into  possession  of  "receive  payment";  "receive  a  gift";  "receive  letters  from  the  front") 
  17.  (5)  suffer,  sustain,  have  get  --  (undergo  (as  of  injuries  and  illnesses);  "She  suffered  a  fracture  in  the  accident";  "He  had  an  insulin  shock  after  eating  three  candy  bars";  "She  got  a  bruise  on  her  leg";  "He  got  his  arm  broken  in  the  scuffle") 
  18.  (3)  have  get  make  --  (achieve  a  point  or  goal,  as  in  a  sport;  "Nicklaus  had  a  70";  "The  Brazilian  team  got  4  goals";  "She  made  29  points  that  day") 
  19.  (3)  give  birth,  deliver,  bear,  birth,  have  --  (give  birth  (to  a  newborn);  "My  wife  had  twins  yesterday!") 
  20.  (2)  take  have  --  (have  sex  with  archaic  use  "He  had  taken  this  woman  when  she  was  most  vulnerable") 
  21.  (1)  must  have  --  (be  likely  or  probable;  "They  have  to  be  kidding") 

haves definition