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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Dipsey  \Dip"sey\,  Dipsie  \Dip"sie\,  Dipsy  \Dip"sy\,  a. 
  Deep-sea;  as  a  dipsey  line  a  dipsy  lead.  [Sailor's  Cant] 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Dipsey  \Dip"sey\,  Dipsie  \Dip"sie\,  Dipsy  \Dip"sy\,  n. 
  1.  A  sinker  attached  to  a  fishing  line  also  a  line  having 
  several  branches,  each  with  such  a  sinker,  used  in 
  deep-sea  fishing.  [Local,  U.  S.] 
  2.  (Naut.)  A  deep-sea  lead.  [Rare]