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clean definition


  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  clean 
  3  of  9  senses  of  clean 
  Sense  1 
  clean,  make  clean 
  =>  disinfect 
  =>  brush 
  =>  dust 
  =>  vacuum,  vacuum-clean,  hoover 
  =>  sanitize,  sanitise,  hygienize 
  =>  bream 
  =>  steam,  steam  clean 
  =>  preen,  plume 
  =>  sweep 
  =>  wash  up  do  the  dishes 
  =>  pipe-clay 
  =>  scavenge 
  =>  dry  clean 
  =>  wash,  launder 
  Sense  3 
  houseclean,  clean  house,  clean 
  =>  spring-clean 
  Sense  4 
  cleanse,  clean 
  =>  bathe 
  =>  wash 
  =>  wash,  lave 
  =>  soap,  lather 
  =>  bathe,  bath 
  =>  douche 
  =>  floss 
  =>  decontaminate 
  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  clean 
  3  of  9  senses  of  clean 
  Sense  1 
  clean,  make  clean 
  =>  disinfect 
  =>  sterilize,  sterilise 
  =>  autoclave 
  =>  chlorinate 
  =>  brush 
  =>  dust 
  =>  vacuum,  vacuum-clean,  hoover 
  =>  sanitize,  sanitise,  hygienize 
  =>  bream 
  =>  steam,  steam  clean 
  =>  preen,  plume 
  =>  sweep 
  =>  wash  up  do  the  dishes 
  =>  pipe-clay 
  =>  scavenge 
  =>  dry  clean 
  =>  wash,  launder 
  =>  water-wash 
  =>  wash,  rinse 
  =>  elute 
  =>  wash  out 
  =>  pressure-wash,  powerwash 
  =>  suds 
  =>  rinse,  rinse  off 
  =>  flush,  scour 
  =>  cradle 
  =>  stonewash 
  =>  handwash 
  =>  machine  wash 
  =>  acid-wash 
  Sense  3 
  houseclean,  clean  house,  clean 
  =>  spring-clean 
  Sense  4 
  cleanse,  clean 
  =>  bathe 
  =>  shower 
  =>  wash 
  =>  wash,  lave 
  =>  sponge  down 
  =>  scrub,  scrub  up 
  =>  gargle,  rinse 
  =>  shampoo 
  =>  condition 
  =>  hush 
  =>  soap,  lather 
  =>  bathe,  bath 
  =>  douche 
  =>  floss 
  =>  decontaminate 
  Entailment  of  verb  clean 
  Synonyms/Hypernyms  (Ordered  by  Frequency)  of  verb  clean 
  9  senses  of  clean 
  Sense  1 
  clean,  make  clean 
  =>  change,  alter 
  Sense  2 
  clean,  pick 
  =>  remove,  take  take  away  withdraw 
  Sense  3 
  houseclean,  clean  house,  clean 
  =>  tidy,  tidy  up  clean  up  neaten,  straighten,  straighten  out  square  away 
  Sense  4 
  cleanse,  clean 
  =>  groom,  neaten 
  Sense  5 
  =>  be 
  Sense  6 
  clean,  strip 
  =>  remove,  take  take  away  withdraw 
  Sense  7 
  =>  remove,  take  take  away  withdraw 
  Sense  8 
  scavenge,  clean 
  =>  remove,  take  take  away  withdraw 
  Sense  9 
  =>  remove,  take  take  away  withdraw 
  Familiarity  of  verb  clean 
  clean  used  as  a  verb  is  familiar  (polysemy  count  =  9) 
  Synonyms  (Grouped  by  Similarity  of  Meaning)  of  verb  clean 
  Sense  1 
  clean,  make  clean 
  =>  change,  alter 
  Sense  3 
  houseclean,  clean  house,  clean 
  =>  tidy,  tidy  up  clean  up  neaten,  straighten,  straighten  out  square  away 
  Sense  5 
  =>  be 
  Sense  7 
  =>  remove,  take  take  away  withdraw 
  Sense  2 
  clean,  pick 
  =>  remove,  take  take  away  withdraw 
  Sense  4 
  cleanse,  clean 
  =>  groom,  neaten 
  Sense  6 
  clean,  strip 
  =>  remove,  take  take  away  withdraw 
  Sense  8 
  scavenge,  clean 
  =>  remove,  take  take  away  withdraw 
  Sense  9 
  =>  remove,  take  take  away  withdraw 
  Grep  of  noun  clean 
  clean  and  jerk 
  clean  room 
  clean  slate 
  cleaning  implement 
  cleaning  lady 
  cleaning  pad 
  cleaning  woman 
  cleansing  agent 
  cleanup  position 
  cleanup  spot 
  laminar  flow  clean  room 
  Overview  of  noun  clean 
  The  noun  clean  has  1  sense  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  clean  and  jerk,  clean  --  (a  weightlift  in  which  the  barbell  is  lifted  to  shoulder  height  and  then  jerked  overhead) 
  Overview  of  verb  clean 
  The  verb  clean  has  9  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (16)  clean,  make  clean  --  (make  clean  by  removing  dirt,  filth,  or  unwanted  substances  from  "Clean  the  stove!";  "The  dentist  cleaned  my  teeth") 
  2.  (3)  clean,  pick  --  (remove  unwanted  substances  from  such  as  feathers  or  pits,  as  of  chickens  or  fruit;  "Clean  the  turkey") 
  3.  (2)  houseclean,  clean  house,  clean  --  (clean  and  tidy  up  the  house;  "She  housecleans  every  week") 
  4.  (1)  cleanse,  clean  --  (clean  one's  body  or  parts  thereof,  as  by  washing;  "clean  up  before  you  see  your  grandparents";  "clean  your  fingernails  before  dinner") 
  5.  clean  --  (be  cleanable;  "This  stove  cleans  easily") 
  6.  clean,  strip  --  (remove  all  contents  or  possession  from  or  empty  completely;  "The  boys  cleaned  the  sandwich  platters";  "The  trees  were  cleaned  of  apples  by  the  storm";  deprive  wholly  of  money  in  a  gambling  game,  robbery,  etc.;  "The  other  players  cleaned  him  completely") 
  7.  clean  --  (remove  while  making  clean;  "Clean  the  spots  off  the  rug") 
  8.  scavenge,  clean  --  (remove  unwanted  substances  from  as  in  chemistry) 
  9.  clean  --  (remove  shells  or  husks  from  "clean  grain  before  milling  it") 
  Overview  of  adj  clean 
  The  adj  clean  has  18  senses  (first  5  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (18)  clean  --  (free  from  dirt  or  impurities;  or  having  clean  habits;  "children  with  clean  shining  faces";  "clean  white  shirts";  "clean  dishes";  "a  spotlessly  clean  house";  "cats  are  clean  animals") 
  2.  (2)  clean,  clear  --  (free  of  restrictions  or  qualifications;  "a  clean  bill  of  health";  "a  clear  winner") 
  3.  (1)  clean,  clear,  light,  unclouded  --  ((of  sound  or  color)  free  from  anything  that  dulls  or  dims;  "efforts  to  obtain  a  clean  bass  in  orchestral  recordings";  "clear  laughter  like  a  waterfall";  "clear  reds  and  blues";  "a  light  lilting  voice  like  a  silver  bell") 
  4.  (1)  clean,  fresh  --  (free  from  impurities;  "clean  water";  "fresh  air") 
  5.  (1)  clean  --  (without  difficulties  or  problems;  "a  clean  test  flight") 
  6.  clean  --  ((religion)  ritually  clean  or  pure) 
  7.  clean,  uncontaminating  --  (not  spreading  pollution  or  contamination;  especially  radioactive  contamination;  "a  clean  fuel";  "cleaner  and  more  efficient  engines";  "the  tactical  bomb  is  reasonably  clean") 
  8.  clean,  unobjectionable  --  ((of  behavior  or  especially  language)  free  from  objectionable  elements;  fit  for  all  observers;  "good  clean  fun";  "a  clean  joke") 
  9.  uninfected,  clean  --  (free  from  sepsis  or  infection;  "a  clean  (or  uninfected)  wound") 
  10.  clean,  clean-living  --  (morally  pure;  "led  a  clean  life") 
  11.  clean,  fair  --  ((of  a  manuscript)  having  few  alterations  or  corrections;  "fair  copy";  "a  clean  manuscript") 
  12.  blank,  clean,  white  --  (of  a  surface;  not  written  or  printed  on  "blank  pages";  "fill  in  the  blank  spaces";  "a  clean  page";  "wide  white  margins") 
  13.  clean,  sporting,  sportsmanlike  --  (marked  by  or  calling  for  sportsmanship  or  fair  play;  "a  clean  fight";  "a  sporting  solution  of  the  disagreement";  "sportsmanlike  conduct") 
  14.  clean  --  (thorough  and  without  qualification;  "a  clean  getaway";  "a  clean  sweep";  "a  clean  break") 
  15.  clean  --  ((of  a  record)  having  no  marks  of  discredit  or  offense;  "a  clean  voting  recor";  "a  clean  driver's  license") 
  16.  clean  --  (not  carrying  concealed  weapons) 
  17.  clean,  neat  --  (free  from  clumsiness;  precisely  or  deftly  executed;  "he  landed  a  clean  left  on  his  opponent's  cheek";  "a  clean  throw";  "the  neat  exactness  of  the  surgeon's  knife") 
  18.  clean  --  (free  of  drugs;  "after  a  long  dependency  on  heroin  she  has  been  clean  for  4  years") 
  Overview  of  adv  clean 
  The  adv  clean  has  2  senses  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  clean,  plumb,  plum  --  ((slang)  completely;  used  as  intensifiers;  "clean  forgot  the  appointment";  "I'm  plumb  (or  plum)  tuckered  out") 
  2.  fairly,  fair,  clean  --  (in  conformity  with  the  rules  or  laws  and  without  fraud  or  cheating;  "they  played  fairly") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  clean 
  18  senses  of  clean 
  Sense  1 
  clean  (vs.  dirty) 
  dirty  (vs.  clean),  soiled,  unclean 
  =>  bedraggled,  draggled 
  =>  befouled,  fouled 
  =>  begrimed,  dingy,  grimy,  grubby,  grungy,  raunchy 
  =>  bespattered,  spattered,  besplashed,  splashed 
  =>  black 
  =>  buggy 
  =>  dusty,  dust-covered 
  =>  fecal,  faecal,  feculent 
  =>  filthy,  foul,  nasty 
  =>  flyblown,  squalid,  sordid 
  =>  greasy,  oily 
  =>  lousy 
  =>  mucky,  muddy 
  =>  scummy 
  =>  smeared,  smirched,  smudged,  smudgy 
  =>  snotty,  snot-nosed 
  =>  travel-soiled,  travel-stained 
  =>  unswept 
  =>  unwashed 
  =>  maculate 
  Sense  2 
  clean,  clear 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unqualified)  ->  qualified 
  Sense  3 
  clean,  clear,  light,  unclouded 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  pure)  ->  impure 
  Sense  4 
  clean,  fresh 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  pure)  ->  impure 
  Sense  5 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  perfect)  ->  imperfect 
  Sense  6 
  clean  (vs.  unclean) 
  unclean  (vs.  clean),  impure 
  =>  defiled 
  =>  nonkosher,  tref,  terefah 
  =>  untouchable 
  Sense  7 
  clean  (vs.  dirty),  uncontaminating 
  dirty  (vs.  clean),  contaminating 
  Sense  8 
  clean  (vs.  dirty),  unobjectionable 
  dirty  (vs.  clean) 
  =>  bawdy,  off-color,  ribald 
  =>  dirty-minded 
  =>  filthy,  foul,  nasty,  smutty 
  =>  foul-mouthed,  foul-spoken 
  =>  lewd,  obscene,  salacious 
  =>  scabrous 
  =>  scatological 
  =>  blasphemous,  blue,  profane 
  Sense  9 
  uninfected,  clean 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  antiseptic)  ->  septic 
  Sense  10 
  clean,  clean-living 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  moral,  amoral)  ->  immoral 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  moral,  immoral)  ->  amoral,  unmoral 
  Sense  11 
  clean,  fair 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  legible)  ->  illegible 
  Sense  12 
  blank,  clean,  white 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  empty)  ->  full 
  Sense  13 
  clean,  sporting,  sportsmanlike 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  fair)  ->  unfair,  unjust 
  Sense  14 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  complete)  ->  incomplete,  uncomplete 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  complete,  complete)  ->  incomplete 
  Sense  15 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unblemished)  ->  blemished 
  Sense  16 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unarmed)  ->  armed 
  Sense  17 
  clean,  neat 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  adroit)  ->  maladroit 
  Sense  18 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unaddicted)  ->  addicted 
  Similarity  of  adj  clean 
  18  senses  of  clean 
  Sense  1 
  clean  (vs.  dirty) 
  =>  cleanable 
  =>  cleaned,  cleansed 
  =>  cleanly 
  =>  dry-cleaned 
  =>  fresh,  unused 
  =>  immaculate,  speckless,  spick-and-span,  spic-and-span,  spic,  spick,  spotless 
  =>  pristine 
  =>  unsoiled,  unspotted,  unstained 
  =>  unsullied 
  =>  washed,  water-washed 
  =>  scrubbed 
  Also  See->  antiseptic#1;  clean#6;  tidy#1 
  Sense  2 
  clean,  clear 
  =>  unqualified  (vs.  qualified) 
  Sense  3 
  clean,  clear,  light,  unclouded 
  =>  pure  (vs.  impure) 
  Sense  4 
  clean,  fresh 
  =>  pure  (vs.  impure) 
  Sense  5 
  =>  perfect  (vs.  imperfect) 
  Sense  6 
  clean  (vs.  unclean) 
  =>  kosher,  cosher 
  Also  See->  clean#1;  pure#1 
  Sense  7 
  clean  (vs.  dirty),  uncontaminating 
  Sense  8 
  clean  (vs.  dirty),  unobjectionable 
  =>  antiseptic 
  Also  See->  decent#3 
  Sense  9 
  uninfected,  clean 
  =>  antiseptic  (vs.  septic) 
  Sense  10 
  clean,  clean-living 
  =>  moral  (vs.  immoral)  (vs.  amoral) 
  Sense  11 
  clean,  fair 
  =>  legible  (vs.  illegible) 
  Sense  12 
  blank,  clean,  white 
  =>  empty  (vs.  full) 
  Sense  13 
  clean,  sporting,  sportsmanlike 
  =>  fair  (vs.  unfair),  just 
  Sense  14 
  =>  complete  (vs.  incomplete)  (vs.  incomplete) 
  Sense  15 
  =>  unblemished  (vs.  blemished) 
  Sense  16 
  =>  unarmed  (vs.  armed) 
  Sense  17 
  clean,  neat 
  =>  adroit  (vs.  maladroit) 
  Sense  18 
  =>  unaddicted  (vs.  addicted) 
  Attributes  of  adj  clean 
  1  of  18  senses  of  clean 
  Sense  1 
  clean  (vs.  dirty) 
  =>  cleanness 
  Familiarity  of  adj  clean 
  clean  used  as  an  adjective  is  very  familiar  (polysemy  count  =  18) 
  Grep  of  adj  clean 
  Overview  of  noun  clean 
  The  noun  clean  has  1  sense  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  clean  and  jerk,  clean  --  (a  weightlift  in  which  the  barbell  is  lifted  to  shoulder  height  and  then  jerked  overhead) 
  Overview  of  verb  clean 
  The  verb  clean  has  9  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (16)  clean,  make  clean  --  (make  clean  by  removing  dirt,  filth,  or  unwanted  substances  from  "Clean  the  stove!";  "The  dentist  cleaned  my  teeth") 
  2.  (3)  clean,  pick  --  (remove  unwanted  substances  from  such  as  feathers  or  pits,  as  of  chickens  or  fruit;  "Clean  the  turkey") 
  3.  (2)  houseclean,  clean  house,  clean  --  (clean  and  tidy  up  the  house;  "She  housecleans  every  week") 
  4.  (1)  cleanse,  clean  --  (clean  one's  body  or  parts  thereof,  as  by  washing;  "clean  up  before  you  see  your  grandparents";  "clean  your  fingernails  before  dinner") 
  5.  clean  --  (be  cleanable;  "This  stove  cleans  easily") 
  6.  clean,  strip  --  (remove  all  contents  or  possession  from  or  empty  completely;  "The  boys  cleaned  the  sandwich  platters";  "The  trees  were  cleaned  of  apples  by  the  storm";  deprive  wholly  of  money  in  a  gambling  game,  robbery,  etc.;  "The  other  players  cleaned  him  completely") 
  7.  clean  --  (remove  while  making  clean;  "Clean  the  spots  off  the  rug") 
  8.  scavenge,  clean  --  (remove  unwanted  substances  from  as  in  chemistry) 
  9.  clean  --  (remove  shells  or  husks  from  "clean  grain  before  milling  it") 
  Overview  of  adj  clean 
  The  adj  clean  has  18  senses  (first  5  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (18)  clean  --  (free  from  dirt  or  impurities;  or  having  clean  habits;  "children  with  clean  shining  faces";  "clean  white  shirts";  "clean  dishes";  "a  spotlessly  clean  house";  "cats  are  clean  animals") 
  2.  (2)  clean,  clear  --  (free  of  restrictions  or  qualifications;  "a  clean  bill  of  health";  "a  clear  winner") 
  3.  (1)  clean,  clear,  light,  unclouded  --  ((of  sound  or  color)  free  from  anything  that  dulls  or  dims;  "efforts  to  obtain  a  clean  bass  in  orchestral  recordings";  "clear  laughter  like  a  waterfall";  "clear  reds  and  blues";  "a  light  lilting  voice  like  a  silver  bell") 
  4.  (1)  clean,  fresh  --  (free  from  impurities;  "clean  water";  "fresh  air") 
  5.  (1)  clean  --  (without  difficulties  or  problems;  "a  clean  test  flight") 
  6.  clean  --  ((religion)  ritually  clean  or  pure) 
  7.  clean,  uncontaminating  --  (not  spreading  pollution  or  contamination;  especially  radioactive  contamination;  "a  clean  fuel";  "cleaner  and  more  efficient  engines";  "the  tactical  bomb  is  reasonably  clean") 
  8.  clean,  unobjectionable  --  ((of  behavior  or  especially  language)  free  from  objectionable  elements;  fit  for  all  observers;  "good  clean  fun";  "a  clean  joke") 
  9.  uninfected,  clean  --  (free  from  sepsis  or  infection;  "a  clean  (or  uninfected)  wound") 
  10.  clean,  clean-living  --  (morally  pure;  "led  a  clean  life") 
  11.  clean,  fair  --  ((of  a  manuscript)  having  few  alterations  or  corrections;  "fair  copy";  "a  clean  manuscript") 
  12.  blank,  clean,  white  --  (of  a  surface;  not  written  or  printed  on  "blank  pages";  "fill  in  the  blank  spaces";  "a  clean  page";  "wide  white  margins") 
  13.  clean,  sporting,  sportsmanlike  --  (marked  by  or  calling  for  sportsmanship  or  fair  play;  "a  clean  fight";  "a  sporting  solution  of  the  disagreement";  "sportsmanlike  conduct") 
  14.  clean  --  (thorough  and  without  qualification;  "a  clean  getaway";  "a  clean  sweep";  "a  clean  break") 
  15.  clean  --  ((of  a  record)  having  no  marks  of  discredit  or  offense;  "a  clean  voting  recor";  "a  clean  driver's  license") 
  16.  clean  --  (not  carrying  concealed  weapons) 
  17.  clean,  neat  --  (free  from  clumsiness;  precisely  or  deftly  executed;  "he  landed  a  clean  left  on  his  opponent's  cheek";  "a  clean  throw";  "the  neat  exactness  of  the  surgeon's  knife") 
  18.  clean  --  (free  of  drugs;  "after  a  long  dependency  on  heroin  she  has  been  clean  for  4  years") 
  Overview  of  adv  clean 
  The  adv  clean  has  2  senses  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  clean,  plumb,  plum  --  ((slang)  completely;  used  as  intensifiers;  "clean  forgot  the  appointment";  "I'm  plumb  (or  plum)  tuckered  out") 
  2.  fairly,  fair,  clean  --  (in  conformity  with  the  rules  or  laws  and  without  fraud  or  cheating;  "they  played  fairly") 

clean definition