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more about arytenoid


  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Arytenoid  \A*ryt"e*noid\,  a.  [Gr.  ?  shaped  like  a  ladle;  ?  a 
  ladle  +  ?  form.]  (Anat.) 
  Ladle-shaped;  --  applied  to  two  small  cartilages  of  the 
  larynx,  and  also  to  the  glands,  muscles,  etc.,  connected  with 
  them  The  cartilages  are  attached  to  the  cricoid  cartilage 
  and  connected  with  the  vocal  cords. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  n  :  either  of  two  small  cartilages  at  the  back  of  the  larynx  to 
  which  the  vocal  folds  are  attached  [syn:  {arytaenoid},  {arytenoid 

more about arytenoid