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more about afloat


  3  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Afloat  \A*float"\,  adv  &  a. 
  Covered  with  water  bearing  floating  articles;  flooded;  as 
  the  decks  are  afloat. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Afloat  \A*float"\  ([.a]*fl[=o]t"),  adv  &  a.  [Pref.  a-  +  float.] 
  1.  Borne  on  the  water;  floating;  on  board  ship. 
  On  such  a  full  sea  are  we  now  afloat.  --Shak. 
  2.  Moving  passing  from  place  to  place  in  general 
  circulation;  as  a  rumor  is  afloat. 
  3.  Unfixed;  moving  without  guide  or  control;  adrift;  as  our 
  affairs  are  all  afloat. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  adj  1:  aimlessly  drifting  [syn:  {adrift(p)},  {afloat(p)},  {aimless}, 
  {directionless},  {planless},  {rudderless},  {undirected}] 
  2:  borne  on  the  water;  floating  [syn:  {afloat(p)}]  [ant:  {aground(p)}, 
  3:  covered  with  water;  "the  main  deck  was  afloat  (or  awash)"; 
  "the  monsoon  left  the  whole  place  awash";  "a  flooded 
  bathroom";  "inundated  farmlands";  "an  overflowing  tub" 
  [syn:  {afloat(p)},  {awash(p)},  {flooded},  {inundated},  {overflowing}] 

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